While we are happy to announce that masks are no longer mandatory in the clinic, if you have ANY symptoms of a viral infection, you will be asked to wear a mask. Please be respectful as we are still trying to keep our Physicians, Staff & Patients safe.
If you wish to make an appointment, discuss test results or a referral to a specialist, or to renew a prescription please contact any of our receptionists during regular office hours (Monday to Friday 8:00AM and 7:30PM).
Please schedule an appointment with your family physician for all prescription renewals
The physicians at Herold Road prefer to personally review laboratory reports with their patients. However, at the Doctor’s discretion, you may be contacted by telephone by one of the physician’s assistants with the results and any directions for on-going care.
We do understand that sometimes circumstances beyond our control do take place. However, our patients not getting in to see our physicians in a timely manner is a concern for us and missed appointments contribute to this greatly. We do appreciate at least 24hrs notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment so if someone needs that appointment they have the opportunity to take it. If no show appointments and last minute cancellations become an issue we do reserve the right to charge for the physicians time as an uninsured service.
As a rule we will give one warning and after the second no show a $25 invoice will be mailed out and made payable before the next appointment will be scheduled.
Herold Road Family Physicians has a Zero Tolerance Policy in place regarding:
Individuals violating any of the above will be immediately denied service, asked to leave the Clinic and be subject to permanent cancellation of medical management services provided by all physicians at Herold Road.
Patient co-operation in reporting harassment or situations of abuse is welcome by Herold Road Management.
Herold Road Family Physicians is not responsible for lost or stolen articles patients may bring in to the office. Please secure your property with you at all times.
One of our wonderful staff are waiting to assist you!